ELECTRA 是一个为期4年、由欧盟支持的科技创新项目,该项目团队与中国团队密切合作,中国团队由国家自然科学基金支持。该项目旨在通过联合研,在实验室规模和模拟环境条件下,发展和测试基于高度创新生物电化学系统的高效生物修复技术,并进一步在中国和欧洲测试这些技术的实用性。项目需要发展一系列的技术,因为(i)承载污染的介质多种多样,需要不同的技术;(ii)污染物的种类同样种类繁多;以及(iii)多项技术正处于研发阶段,值得进一步研究。
The ELECTRA project is a 4-year Research Innovation Action consisting of one EC- funded consortium working closely together with a NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China)-funded Chinese consortium.
The ELECTRA consortium aims to jointly develop and test highly innovative bio-electrochemical systems-based remediation biotechnologies at laboratory scale in environmentally relevant conditions and bring the four most efficient technologies to the field in both China and Europe.
A diverse set of technologies will be developed because: (i) the matrices in which pollution occurs are highly diverse, requiring different approaches, (ii) the types of pollutants to be addressed is equally diverse, and (iii) multiple technologies are still at research development stage and worth further investigation.
Chinese project abstract(项目摘要)
新兴有机污染物(Emerging Organic Compounds, EOCs)广泛存在于水体、土壤等环境中,威胁人类和环境健康。EOCs在环境中的转化、降解和最终归趋、以及发展针对EOCs的生物消除技术,是当前环境微生物学和环境生物技术发展的重点领域。本项目选择三氯卡班、利谷隆、磺胺甲恶唑和四溴双酚A等EOCs代表,从降解污染物的微生物组出发,在群体、菌株、降解酶/降解基因、降解途径及调控四个层面,研究菌群内部微生物间及与环境电极和人工湿地植物的互作、EOCs降解机理,研发生物电化学与生物处理过程耦合、构建弱电能介入型EOCs生物增效处理系统,研发植物-微生物联合修复EOCs污染的人工湿地技术,设计并立体构建适用于降解和消除EOCs的功能菌群,发展微生物3D打印技术和新一代微生物修复技术。本项目为新兴有机污染物降解及修复技术研究奠定重要基础,对保护人类生态环境具有重要理论和实践意义。
Emerging Organic Compounds (EOCs) are widely distributed in polluted water and soil, and they are of major concerns for human and environmental health. The conversion, degradation, the fate of EOCs in environments, as well as their removal from polluted environments (e.g. bioremediation) are important and frontier topics in environmental microbiology and biotechnology. In this project, triclocarban, linuron, sulfamethoxazole, and tetrabromobisphenol A are targeted for investigation of their degradation and bioremediation. Researches will be carried out at levels of microbiome/community, microbial species/strains, degradation enzymes/genes, and degradation pathways and their regulation. Interactions among microbial species, between microbiome and electrodes and/or plants in wetland, will be studied. New bioremediation technologies employing of bio-electrochemical system and plant-microbe association will be developed and be tested for EOCs removal. The project will also develop theory and technology on designing and construction of microbial community with 3D printing, aiming at supply of new biomaterials such as effective biofilms for bioremediation of EOCs polluted environments.