1st ELECTRA technical workshop:
“ELECTRA goes to PILOT demonstrations”

Please mark your calendars: 16-September-2021, 2–4 pm CEST

All stakeholders are invited!

Join the Electra event on 16th September 2021 to learn about the capacity of bioelectrochemical processes to tackle water pollution, such as

  • Nitrate in drinking water resources
  • Pharmaceutical residues in wastewater
  • Chlorinated compounds in groundwater

We take the opportunity to complement the 5th European Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry & Technology taking place in Girona (Spain) 13th -15th September 2021with a practice and application-oriented post event.


The ELECTRA project – an EU-China initiative for enhancing bioelectro-chemical systems in bioremediation. [5 min]
Philippe Corvini, FHNW, Project Coordinator
The ELECTRA technologies approaches: a portfolio of innovative solutions for pollution challenges. [10 min]
Korneel Rabaey, Ghent University, Scientific Project Coordinator

From lab to pilot: examples of technologies that go for on-site testing:

  1. Performance and application cases of METLAND electroactive biofilters to eliminate organic micro-pollutants in municipal wastewater. [15 min]
    Abraham Esteve Núñez, Metfilter S.L.
  2. A fixed-bed BES reactor for nitrate-polluted groundwater bioremediation. [15 min]
    Narcís Pous, University of Girona
  3. Treating CAH contaminated groundwater with a Sequential Bioelectro-chemical Groundwater Circulation Well (GCW) Process: from the lab to the field. [15 min]
    Marco Zeppilli, Sapienza University Rome; Marcel Alesi, IEG Technologie GmbH
Q & A and discussion period [50 min]
Closing remarks

Registration Form: 1st ELECTRA technical workshop

(to receive by email the LINK to the workshop)