Green remediation technologies: The starting signal for the first European-Chinese research project

With 6.8 million euros in funding, the first European-Chinese research project on green remediation technologies was launched yesterday with the visit of Xicheng Xie, Vice President of the Chinese Foundation for Natural Sciences (NSFC), at the new FHNW Campus Muttenz.

HLS_ELECTRA Kick-off Meeting_23.-24.01.2019.

From left to right: Shuang-Jiang Liu, Coordinator of NSFC-funded consortium; Fan Yingjie, NSFC Vice director of international cooperation; Xicheng Xie, Vice President of NSFC; Carmen de Vicente Coll, European Commission, ELECTRA Project Officer; Philippe Corvini, Coordinator of ELECTRA project

From January 22 to 23, 2019, FHNW School of Life Sciences will welcome Xicheng Xie, vice president of the Chinese Science Foundation (NSFC) and Fan Yingjie, vice director of the NSFC’s International Cooperation Office, at the new FHNW Campus Muttenz. Together with representatives of the European Commission, they are launching the ELECTRA research project, which the University of Life Sciences FHNW has successfully acquired as coordinator of a call for joint European-Chinese research projects in the field of biotechnology for the environment and human health. It deals with green remediation technologies for contaminated sites and is funded by the EU and the NSFC with a total of 6.8 million euros.

Under the leadership of the FHNW School of Life Sciences, a consortium of 16 European and six Chinese partners will explore by the end of 2022 how pollutants in soil, groundwater and wastewater can be degraded in an environmentally friendly manner. This is done using bioremediation techniques with the least possible use of chemicals and energy. The investigations will focus on processes of electro-microbiology. The microbial degradation and biotransformation of pollutants are stimulated by electrons. The substances under investigation range from poorly degradable hydrocarbons to toxic metals to trace organic compounds such as: B. antibiotics.

“We share a common interest in environmentally friendly remediation of contaminated sites and contaminated sediments. Our research project builds bridges between researchers from China and Switzerland. The goal is to work together to address these challenges, thereby improving the quality of life for future generations, “says Philippe Corvini, Head of Institute for Ecopreneurship at the School of Life Sciences FHNW.

Original Post: FHNW Media Release (DE)